Monday, 28 January 2013

when we love, we look pretty

beautiful things can be made out of dust 

if you stumble, make it part of the dance

do you believe in miracles? not today

a change may be just around the corner 

i've forgotten your face in the rains of november, i've forgotten your voice - i don't want to remember 

would you believe in what you believe in if you were the only one who believed it?

Friday, 25 January 2013

what even happened

a good deed brightens a dark world

i'm terrified this will never be enough for me

don't believe everything you think

i have no special talent. i am only passionately curious 

i saw that - karma

i don't know where i'm going from here but i promise it won't be boring 

do not chase people, be you and do your own thing and work hard, the right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay

i'll keep you safe, you keep me wild

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

the future is exciting

eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place

conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth 

people inspire you, or they drain you - pick them wisely 

the mind is everything. what you think, you become 

metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life

always be kinder than you feel

she acts like summer and walks like rain

do it with passion or not at all

your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change

Saturday, 19 January 2013

me and you, living under a paper moon

every person is a new door to a different world

i knew who i was this morning but i've changed a few things since then

what is meant to be will always find a way

life is a matter of balance

you just use the future to escape the present

oh well, whatever, nevermind

Saturday, 12 January 2013

forever is only for now

there will be an answer, let it be

i'm not crazy, my reality is just different to yours